Tyler Beveridge - Full Stack Developer

I am majoring in Software Engineering. I am from the West Des Moines area and plan to get a job there after graduation.
Mark Kavars - Embedded Lead
I’m currently a senior in electrical engineering, with a focus in both embedded systems and VLSI design. I’m from Council Bluffs. My main role in the project is to connect various large parts of the project together through Bluetooth communication and wired communication through microcontrollers.
Joseph Kenkel - Signal Communication Lead

I am currently a Senior in Electrica Engineering and love Embedded Systems. I orginally come from Panama. In this project, I mainly focused on the communication of data. This entails sending and reciving the IR signal with the microcontroller, identifying the shooter, and sending that information the the microcomputer.
Zack Larson - Back-End Developer

Zack Larson is a Software Enigneering student minoring in Data Science. After graduation, he will be working for Optum, located in Minnesota, as a Technology Development Associate.
Morgan Luecht - Front-End Developer

I am a current Senior in Software Engineering. In this project I am focused on developing the front end of the application that will run this game.
Ashley Robertson - Shooter Hardware Lead

I’m currently a senior in electrical engineering. I have been focusing on turning our thoughts into schematics and then turning those schematics into PCBs.
Jonah Stoffer - Target Hardware Lead

I’m currently a senior in electrical engineering. I have been focus on the communciation between the target and the emitter. Next semester I plan to design the PCB for the target.